
The Fortinet Security Fabric approach diagram.
Security transformation

Today’s security transformations require a Security Fabric

Trends in computing and networking continue to drive changes across businesses’ infrastructures and practices. And in the meantime, cybercriminals continue to evolve new and better ways to exploit exposed vulnerabilities. That’s why today’s business leaders must embrace a new approach to securing the entirety of their distributed infrastructures.

The Fortinet Security Fabric is an architectural approach that unifies the security technologies deployed across the digital network, including multi-cloud, endpoints, email, and web applications. Our approach creates a single, scalable, and interconnected security system offering high awareness, actionable threat intelligence, and open API standards to protect even the most demanding enterprise environments.

All our security solutions feature a unified correlation, management, orchestration, and analysis system. They’re designed to help digital enterprises worldwide face the multiple challenges of transformation with confidence.

exclusive networks


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